Toson, Inflatable Athlete - deflate and inflate yourself between exhale and inhale

Inflatable Athlete - deflate and inflate yourself between exhale and inhale

Inspired by the sense of powerlessness, Toson presents the collection - "Inflatable Athlete" to signify that everyone can turn to be an inflatable athlete in the city, allowing exhale to be flaccid , and take a deep inhale to bounce back and make yourself great again.

Extending the concept of the collection, a series of worker miki cap, cotton t-shirt and socks are designed with sewing an inflatable valve at the cap, right shoulder of the t-shirt and left calf of the sock, looking like an inflatable figure. Every single  exhale and inhale act as deflating and inflating.

The collection also includes kidswear with t-shirt and socks for 0- 24 months old baby. Sewed inflatable valve and brand label tag, look alike a walkable doll when wearing.

Two print t-shirts with "Social Athlete" and "Under Flexible Law", describing the all fighters in the city and free flexible status as an inflatable balloon correspondingly, highlighting the collection theme.

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